Trellzz - Hackathon project with Appwrite

Trellzz - Hackathon project with Appwrite

Team Details

Description of Project

We are excited to introduce our submission for the Hashnode-Appwrite Hackathon - Trellzz.

Trellzz is a task management tool built using NextJS 13.4, Appwrite, Tailwind, and Zustand. It is a clean, simple, and beautiful project that allows users to add and delete tasks, swap columns, swap task statuses, and attach images with the tasks. Trellzz is a perfect tool for organizing tasks and projects. With its intuitive user interface and easy-to-use features, users can easily manage their tasks and projects.

Tech Stack

  • Appwrite Cloud

    • Storage - helped with easy image uploads/downloads

    • Database - helped with easy data uploads/downloads

  • Tailwind

  • Zustand

  • NextJS

  • React

  • Vercel

Challenges We Faced

As a first-time Appwrite user, we faced some challenges integrating Appwrite into our project. We had to learn how to use the various services provided by Appwrite, such as database, and storage. However, we overcame this challenge by referring to the Appwrite documentation ( and seeking help from the Appwrite community.

Public Code Repo: